Tasmanian Transport Links

Access in Tasmania

Heavy Vehicle Access in Tasmania is supported by a series of access maps – showing the legal access for various vehicle types and configurations, on both the state and local road networks.


The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) is Australia’s regulator for heavy vehicles.

The NHVR was established in 2013 as a statutory authority to administer one set of laws – the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) – which applies in all Australia’s states and territories except the Northern Territory and Western Australia.


The Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association (ALRTA) is the peak body representing road transport businesses servicing the agricultural supply chain.
Our primary aim is to work with governments, industry, community and media to ensure that rural road transport is a safe, responsible and productive part of regional economies and communities.
Founded in 1985, we are a federation of six state associations.
Individual transport businesses become members of our state associations, and in turn, each state association is a member of the ALRTA. This structure allows our family of associations to deal with issues at the local, state and national levels. Together our associations represent around 850 transport businesses including owner-drivers, small fleet operators and large fleet operators with hundreds of trucks and trailers.


The Livestock Transporters Association of Tasmania is the peak body representing the interests of Tasmanian Livestock Carriers.

LTAT is a member of the Tasmanian Transport Association.

As a member of the Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association (ALRTA), we represent Tasmanian livestock transporters at a national level.


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